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Rohan Biswas

Web Developer

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Self-taught Web Developer with a passion for creating amazing stuff from scratch and sharing my knowledge. Eager to learn with a continuous improvement mindset and believe in mastery through practice.

The journey so far..


Wrote my first line of code,explored C++ and programming basics such as loops and conditions. Made an Audio Visual alphabet learning tool for kids using C++ graphics and sound libraries as college project


Solidified basics of Data Structures & Algorithms, ventured into Competitive Coding and completed Web Development Bootcamp,made games in Javascript as a hobby


Got certified in Data Science,worked on Data Science projects including Weather Predictor & Next Word Recommendation Engine. Pariticipated in IOSD Hackfinity Hackathon and worked on Expense Tracker App in Flutter


Sharpened up on concepts of the MERN Stack such as Redux,JWT Authentication,Middlewares, explored technologies like NextJS, TailwindCSS ,GraphQL and completed full stack projects